

Allen, K. et. al. (2023). How to be an Educational and Developmental Psychologist from University
Applications to Entering the Workforce. (Routledge) – Cover Art and illustrations only

Below are a sample of illustrations as featured in the text. Please go to “Comics” to see the “Day in the Life Comic” as featured in this textbook.

Journal Articles 

Kallady, K. (2015). Book Review “Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Child Within – Second Edition”
The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist 32, pp 89-90.

Knott, R. et. al. (2023). Age at diagnosis and diagnostic delay across attention-deficit hyperactivity and
autism spectrums. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58

Knott, R. et. al. (2021). The Monash Autism-ADHD genetics and neurodevelopment (MAGNET) project design
and methodologies: a dimensional approach to understanding neurobiological and genetic aetiology,
Molecular Autism, 12,

Mellhan et. al. (2022). Understanding the Diversity of Pharmacotherapeutic Management of ADHD With Co-
occurring Autism: An Australian Cross-Sectional Survey. Frontiers in Psychiatry,13,